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remote online notary association


  • October 02, 2024 8:00 AM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    Let's explore some key estate planning documents and their significance, providing you with insights for targeted marketing.

    Core Estate Planning Documents

    1. Will (Last Will and Testament)

    Meaning: The cornerstone of estate planning. It outlines how your assets (property, possessions, investments) will be distributed upon your death. It can also designate guardians for minor children and address other specific wishes.


    • Distribution of assets to named beneficiaries.
    • Appointment of an executor to oversee the estate administration process.
    • Guardianship designations for minor children.
    • Instructions for specific bequests (e.g., leaving a particular item to a loved one). 
    Marketing Angle: Emphasize the control and peace of mind a will offers, ensuring loved ones are cared for and wishes respected after you're gone. Target parents, property owners, and those with specific charitable intentions.

    2. Trust

    Meaning: A legal entity that holds and manages assets for the benefit of designated beneficiaries. Trusts come in various types (e.g., revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts) and offer unique benefits for estate planning and asset protection.


    • Can avoid probate (the court-supervised process for distributing assets), potentially saving time and expenses.
    • Can offer greater control over asset distribution, particularly for complex family situations or special needs beneficiaries.
    • Can provide tax advantages in certain circumstances.

    Marketing Angle: Highlight the flexibility and potential benefits of trusts, including probate avoidance, tax planning, and asset protection. Target high-net-worth individuals, families with complex dynamics, and those with charitable giving goals.

    3. Durable Power of Attorney (Financial)

    Meaning: Authorizes a trusted person (agent) to make financial decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. This includes managing investments, paying bills, and handling other financial affairs.


    • Grants your agent broad powers to manage your finances, ensuring bills are paid and investments are handled even if you're unable to do so.
    • Provides peace of mind knowing your financial affairs are in capable hands.

    Marketing Angle: Emphasize the importance of planning for unexpected events and ensuring financial well-being even during incapacity. Target older individuals, those with health concerns, and anyone who wants to ensure continuity of financial management.

    4. Healthcare Power of Attorney (Advance Healthcare Directive)

    Meaning: Designates someone (healthcare agent) to make medical decisions for you if you're unable to communicate your wishes. Often paired with a living will, which outlines your end-of-life preferences regarding medical treatment.


    • Ensures your medical care aligns with your values and preferences.
    • Empowers a trusted person to make critical healthcare decisions when you can't.

    Marketing Angle: Stress the importance of preserving autonomy and ensuring your healthcare wishes are honored even in difficult situations. Target individuals of all ages, emphasizing the value of planning for potential incapacity.

    5. Beneficiary Designations

    Meaning: Instructions for accounts like retirement plans (401(k)s, IRAs), life insurance policies, and bank accounts to pass directly to named beneficiaries upon your death. These designations override a will.


    • Allows for streamlined transfer of assets to beneficiaries outside of probate.
    • Can offer a simple way to ensure loved ones receive specific assets.

    Marketing Angle: Highlight the efficiency and simplicity of beneficiary designations for straightforward asset transfers. Target those with retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and those seeking a hassle-free way to designate certain assets.


    Estate Planning is Personalized: The specific documents needed depend on individual circumstances. Consulting with an estate planning attorney is crucial.

    Ongoing Review: It's important to review and update estate plans regularly to reflect life changes (e.g., marriage, divorce, children, new assets).

    Marketing Approach: Your messaging should focus on providing peace of mind, control, and ensuring loved ones are protected and wishes respected. Target specific demographics based on the document's relevance and benefits.

    I hope this breakdown provides you with the knowledge needed for effective marketing to the estate planning niche. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions.

    -The RONA Team

  • September 30, 2024 12:28 PM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    In an increasingly digital world, mobile and remote online notaries offer attorneys unparalleled flexibility and convenience. However, standing out and capturing the attention of attorneys in this virtual world requires a targeted and tech-savvy approach. In this blog, we'll explore innovative marketing strategies and communication techniques that mobile and remote online notaries can utilize to form lasting partnerships with attorneys in various legal fields.

    I. Unveiling Your Value Proposition: Not Just a Notary, But a Problem-Solver

    Beyond the Stamp: Highlight your specialized skill set and your proficiency in utilizing cutting-edge remote online notarization (RON) platforms and e-signature tools. Emphasize your ability to conduct secure and compliant notarizations from any location, saving attorneys valuable time and resources.

    • Real Estate: Let your potential client know that if distance or a busy schedule is delaying their real estate closings - You can offer their clients the convenience of remote online notarization for purchase agreements, loan documents, and deeds. With your expertise in complex property transactions and knowledge of closing documents, you'll ensure a smooth and efficient process for everyone involved.
    • Estate Planning: Become an integral part of the estate planning process by offering your expertise in wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives. With remote online notarization, clients can securely execute their estate plans from the comfort of their own homes, ensuring their wishes are documented efficiently and with peace of mind.
    • Immigration: Your expertise in navigating the complexities of immigration paperwork – visa applications, affidavits, naturalization forms, and more – positions you as an invaluable partner for immigration attorneys. Offer the added convenience of remote notarization, enabling their clients to complete crucial documents securely, regardless of their location.
    • Family Law: Navigate the complexities of family law with empathy and professionalism. Offer remote online notarization services, eliminating the need for stressful in-person meetings. Creating a safe and supportive environment for clients to finalize sensitive documents like divorce agreements, child custody arrangements, and adoptions.
    • Translations: Expand your services beyond notarization by offering access to a vast network of professional translators covering over 200 languages, including sign language. This unique offering makes you an indispensable resource for attorneys handling international clients or documents, ensuring clear and accurate communication throughout the legal process.

    II. Mastering the Art of Outreach: Building Connections That Count

    Networking Events: Turning Conversations into Clients

    • Be Prepared: Before attending a networking event, research the types of attorneys and firms you're interested in connecting with. Have a concise elevator pitch ready that highlights your unique value proposition and the specific ways you can assist their practice.
    • Focus on Building Relationships: Don't just try to sell your services; focus on building genuine connections with attorneys. Ask questions about their practice, listen actively, and offer helpful insights or resources related to your areas of expertise.
    • Follow Up: After the event, send personalized follow-up emails to the attorneys you connected with. Thank them for their time, reiterate your interest in collaborating, and offer to provide a discounted notary service for their next transaction as a gesture of goodwill. 

    Online Networking & Social Media:

    • LinkedIn: Connect with attorneys and legal professionals on LinkedIn, showcasing your remote notary services and expertise in your profile and posts. Engage in relevant groups and discussions to establish your presence and thought leadership.
    • Targeted Ads: Utilize social media advertising to reach attorneys in your desired practice areas. Craft compelling ads that highlight the benefits of remote online notarization and offer a free trial or consultation.
    • Webinars & Virtual Events: Participate in virtual events tailored to attorneys. Offer valuable insights on remote notarization best practices, legal compliance, and technology trends.

    Email Outreach: Crafting Compelling Messages That Cut Through the Clutter

    • Subject Line: Keep it concise and attention-grabbing. Use action-oriented verbs and highlight a specific benefit or solution you offer. For example, "Streamline Your Real Estate Closings with a Remote Notary Service" or "Ensure Accuracy and Compliance for Your Immigration Clients." (EXAMPLES)
    • Body:
      • Start with a personalized greeting and reference any prior interactions you've had with the attorney.
      • Clearly state your value proposition and the specific ways you can help their practice.
      • Use bullet points to highlight your key skills and areas of expertise.
      • Include a clear call to action, such as scheduling a brief phone call or meeting to discuss their needs further.

    (Whatever you do, keep the email short and sweet - Always think about grabbing someone's attention within the first sentence).

    III. Nurturing Long-Term Partnerships: Going Above and Beyond to Exceed Expectations

    • Exceptional Service: Provide prompt, reliable, and error-free notary services. Be flexible with your schedule and always offer remote online notary services first then mobile services to accommodate the needs of attorney clients that can't or don't know how to do remote.
    • Communication and Responsiveness: Respond to inquiries and requests promptly and professionally. Keep attorneys informed about the status of their documents and any relevant updates.
    • Added Value: Go the extra mile by offering complimentary resources or educational materials (weekly or monthly newsletters) related to your areas of expertise. This can help establish you as a trusted advisor and thought leader in your field.
    • Client Appreciation: Show your appreciation for your attorney and their clients by sending thank-you notes, holiday cards, or small gifts. Remember important dates like birthdays or work anniversaries and acknowledge them with a personalized message.

    Sample Email Templates:

    Subject: Elevate Your Estate Planning Practice with a Certified Notary Signing Agent

    Dear [Attorney's Name],

    I hope all is well with you.

    My name is [Your Name], and I'm a certified Notary Signing Agent specializing in estate planning documents. I was impressed by your firm's commitment to providing comprehensive and compassionate estate planning services to your clients, and I believe my expertise can complement your practice.

    With extensive experience in handling wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and healthcare directives, I can ensure that your clients' estate planning documents are executed with the utmost accuracy and compliance. My remote online and mobile notary services offer the convenience and flexibility your busy clients need, allowing them to finalize their estate plans in the comfort of their own homes or offices.

    I'd be delighted to offer my experienced notary services for your next estate planning and promise a smooth error-free transaction. Please feel free to schedule a brief phone call at your convenience, and I'd be happy to discuss how we can collaborate to enhance your clients' experience.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    [Your Name] 

    [Your Contact Information]


    Subject: Revolutionize Your Immigration Practice with Remote Online Notarization

    Dear [Attorney's Name],

    I hope all is well with you.

    My name is [Your Name], and I'm a certified Remote Online Notary specializing in immigration documentation. I understand the challenges immigration attorneys face in serving clients across borders and time zones. My remote online notarization services can help you streamline your practice and provide a seamless experience for your clients, no matter where they are located.

    With a secure and user-friendly RON platform, I can facilitate the notarization of visa applications, affidavits, and other essential immigration documents remotely. This eliminates the need for in-person meetings, saving your clients valuable time and travel expenses.

    I'd be delighted to offer my remote online notary services for one of your immigration clients to showcase the efficiency and convenience of my services. Please feel free to schedule a virtual meeting at your earliest convenience, and I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    [Your Name] 

    [Your Contact Information]


    Here's an elevator pitch template you can customize for your specific situation, focusing on the benefits you offer attorneys:


    "Hi [Attorney's name], I'm [Your Name], a mobile and remote online notary specializing in [Your Specialty Area - e.g., real estate, estate planning, immigration]. I help attorneys like you save time and provide a better client experience by offering secure and convenient notarizations, even for out-of-state or busy clients. I'm particularly skilled at handling [Mention a complex document or situation you've successfully handled]. Would you be open to a quick chat about how I can streamline your document signing process?"


    • Real Estate Focus: "Hi [Attorney's name], I'm [Your Name], a mobile and remote online notary specializing in real estate transactions. I help attorneys like you close deals faster and more efficiently by offering flexible notarization options for your clients, even after hours or on weekends. I recently helped a client close on their dream home while they were on vacation overseas! Would you be open to a quick chat about how I can make your real estate closings even smoother?"
    • Estate Planning Focus: "Hi [Attorney's name], I'm [Your Name], a mobile and remote online notary specializing in estate planning documents. I understand the importance of ensuring your clients' wishes are documented securely and accurately. With my remote online notarization services, your clients can execute their estate plans from the comfort of their own homes, making the process easier and less stressful. I'm happy to provide a free consultation to discuss how I can support your estate planning practice."

    Somethings to Remember:

    • Keep it concise. You have a limited time to make an impression.
    • Focus on the benefits for the attorney. How will your services make their life easier or improve their clients' experience?
    • Highlight your expertise. Mention your specialty area or a specific success story to demonstrate your capabilities.
    • End with a clear call to action. Invite them to a further conversation or offer to provide more information.
    • Be confident and enthusiastic. Your passion for your work will shine through!

    Additional Tips

    • Adapt the pitch to the situation. If you're at a networking event focused on a specific area of law, tailor your pitch accordingly.
    • Practice your pitch beforehand. The more comfortable you are with it, the more natural it will sound.
    • Be prepared to answer questions. Have a few key points ready about your services and experience.
    • Follow up. If you make a connection, be sure to send a follow-up email.

    Remember, the goal of your elevator pitch is to spark interest and open the door to a further conversation. Good luck!



    By adopting a proactive and client-centric approach to marketing and communication, notaries can form lasting partnerships with attorneys in various legal fields. Remember, it's not just about offering notary services; it's about providing solutions, building relationships, and exceeding expectations. By showcasing your specialized skills, mastering the art of outreach, and nurturing long-term partnerships, you can establish yourself as the go-to notary for attorneys seeking reliability, expertise, and exceptional service.

  • September 18, 2024 9:41 AM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    Here at RONA, we frequently receive inquiries about handling notarizations for individuals who are not fluent in English. Providing interpreter/translation services can be a valuable addition to your notary business, opening doors to a wider clientele and offering the opportunity to command higher fees. Let's discuss how you can navigate this effectively.

    The Importance of Clear Communication

    According to Florida Statute 117.107(6), it is essential that anyone seeking notarization fully comprehends the nature and implications of the document they are signing. If the signer doesn't understand English, an oral interpreter/translation is perfectly acceptable. To ensure clarity, you can add a statement to your notarial certificate affirming that an interpreter/translation was provided.

    Sample Certificate Statement:

    “I further certify that the nature and effect of the document was interpreted/translated for [signer's name] by [interpreters/translator's name] prior to notarization.”

    Additionally, you can request that the interpreter/translator sign the document as well.

    Notarizing Foreign Language Documents

    When encountering documents written in a language you don't understand, exercise caution. Here are some key steps to follow:

    1. Establish Communication: Ensure you can verbally communicate with the signer or have a qualified interpreter/translator present.
    2. Document Review: Verify that the document is complete and contains a notarial certificate.
    3. Notarial Act: If there's no certificate, get clear instructions from the signer about the desired notarial act. If they are unsure, decline the notarization.
    4. Certificate Completion: Fill out the notarial certificate in English. While the certificate can be translated, your signature and seal should only appear on the English version.
    5. When in Doubt, don't: If you have any uncertainties, refuse to notarize.

    Certified Translations

    As a notary, certifying translations is not within your authorized duties. However, you can notarize the interpreters/translator's signature on an affidavit attesting to the translation's accuracy.

    Important Note: Always confirm with your Secretary of State's office regarding any specific regulations in your state concerning the provision of translation and interpretation services during notarizations.


    Offering translation or interpreter services as a notary can be a rewarding endeavor. It allows you to serve a more diverse clientele and increase your income potential. Remember, clarity and understanding are paramount in the notarization process. By following these guidelines and staying informed about your state's laws, you can expand your business while ensuring compliance and upholding professional standards.

    Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and the information in this blog post does not constitute legal advice.

    **To schedule an interpreter or translation service click HERE or Call Gabriel at Idiomatic Translations at (518) 947-6272 and tell them that RONA sent you!! Much success!! 

    - The RONA Team

  • September 16, 2024 3:00 PM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    In today's digital age, it is natural to wonder if physical business cards are still necessary. After all, we can easily share our contact information electronically through email, text message, or social media. However, there are still some advantages to having physical business cards.

    Advantages of Physical Business Cards

    • Tangible reminder: A physical business card is a tangible reminder of your contact information. This can be helpful when someone is trying to remember your name or contact information later.
    • Professionalism: Physical business cards can make a more professional impression than simply sharing your contact information electronically.
    • Networking: Business cards are a great way to network with other professionals. You can exchange cards with people you meet at conferences, events, or other professional settings.
    • Branding: Your business card can be a great way to promote your brand. You can include your logo, tagline, and other branding elements on your card.

    Disadvantages of Physical Business Cards

    • Cost: Physical business cards can be expensive to print.
    • Waste: Physical business cards can be easily lost or thrown away.
    • Outdated information: If your contact information changes, you will need to reprint your business cards.

    Do You Need Physical Business Cards?

    Whether or not you need physical business cards depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you are a professional who frequently networks with other people, then physical business cards may be a good investment. However, if you do not network often, then you may be able to get by with simply sharing your contact information electronically.

    Here are some additional factors to consider:

    • Your industry: Some industries are more traditional than others and may expect you to have a physical business card.
    • Your target audience: If your target audience is primarily online, then you may not need physical business cards.
    • Your budget: If you are on a tight budget, then you may want to skip physical business cards.

    Alternatives to Physical Business Cards

    If you do not want to have physical business cards, there are a few alternatives you can consider:

    • Digital business cards: Digital business cards are electronic versions of traditional business cards. They can be shared via email, text message, or social media.
    • Contactless business cards: Contactless business cards use near-field communication (NFC) technology to share your contact information. Simply tap your phone against someone else's contactless business card to share your contact information.
    • QR code business cards: QR code business cards use QR codes to share your contact information. Simply scan the QR code with your phone to save your contact information.


    Whether or not you need physical business cards is up to you. There are both advantages and disadvantages to having physical business cards. If you are not sure whether or not you need them, consider the factors listed above and decide what is best for you.

    Additional Tips

    • If you do decide to get physical business cards, make sure they are high quality and professional looking.
    • Keep your business cards up to date with your latest contact information.
    • Use your business cards as an opportunity to promote your brand.
    • Consider using digital business cards or contactless business cards as an alternative to physical business cards.

    **We hope this blog was helpful!

    - The RONA Team 

  • June 28, 2024 7:39 AM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    Effective July 1, 2024 - VA Notaries Get a Raise!!

    The Virginia General Assembly has recently passed Chapter 310 of the Virginia Acts of Assembly, amending Section 47.1-19 of the Code of Virginia regarding notarial fees. Effective July 1, 2024, notaries in Virginia can now charge up to $10 for standard notarial services, such as taking and certifying acknowledgments of writings, administering and certifying oaths, and certifying affidavits, depositions of witnesses, and true copies of documents. This increase from the previous $5 fee is intended to better reflect the economic realities faced by notaries and adequately compensate them for their expertise and responsibilities.

    Additionally, recognizing the growing importance of digital transactions, the legislation introduces provisions for electronic documents. Notaries can now charge up to $25 for services involving electronic documents, including taking and certifying acknowledgments of electronic documents, administering oaths or affirmations, and certifying electronic affidavits and depositions. This higher fee acknowledges the additional technical skills and tools required for securely handling electronic documents.

    An important aspect of the new legislation is the restriction on fee collection by certain public officials. Members of electoral boards, general registrars, deputy registrars, and officers of election are prohibited from collecting fees for notarial services related to the administration of elections or election laws during their appointment. This provision aims to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

    Moreover, the legislation stipulates that it is unlawful for notaries to charge more than the established fees for any notarial act. However, notaries may recover actual and reasonable travel expenses for performing notarial acts outside their usual place of business, provided there is an agreement with the client regarding these costs.

    The amendment to Virginia’s notarial fee structure reflects an effort to modernize and adapt to both economic conditions and technological advancements. By adjusting fee limits and setting clear guidelines, the legislation seeks to ensure that notaries are fairly compensated while maintaining a high standard of integrity in their professional conduct. This change is significant for both notaries and those who rely on their services, marking a step forward in aligning Virginia’s legal framework with current notarial practice needs.


  • May 20, 2024 7:00 AM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    Safeguarding Client Privacy: A Vital Reminder for All Remote Online Notaries

    As part of our ongoing commitment to professionalism and client confidentiality, we at the Remote Online Notary Association (RONA) want to address an important incident that recently occurred within our community.

    The Incident: A fellow notary unintentionally exposed client information on social media. In an effort to celebrate a successful notarization session, this notary posted a photo with their clients, inadvertently revealing their names. The clients were unaware their personal information would be shared, causing understandable concern and distress.

    The Lesson: This incident underscores the critical importance of safeguarding client privacy in all aspects of our work. As Remote Online Notaries (RONs), we handle sensitive information daily, and it is our responsibility to ensure this information remains confidential and secure at all times.

    Key Takeaways:

    Obtain Consent: Always obtain explicit consent from clients before sharing any details or images related to notarization sessions on social media. This ensures clients are aware of how their information will be used and have the opportunity to voice any concerns.

    Protect Client Information: Before posting any content, carefully review it to ensure no sensitive client information is visible. This includes names, addresses, identification numbers, or any other identifying details. If necessary, use editing tools to blur or mask such information to maintain confidentiality.

    Maintain Professionalism: While celebrating successful notarization sessions is understandable, it is essential to maintain professionalism at all times. Avoid sharing overly personal or intimate moments with clients on social media and focus on highlighting the professionalism and integrity of your notarial services. 

    Our Commitment: We urge all RONs to take this incident as a learning opportunity and to redouble their efforts in protecting client privacy. By adhering to best practices and exercising diligence in our actions, we can maintain the trust and confidence of our clients while upholding the integrity of our profession.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Let us continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality in our work as RONs.

    By: Yahaira Rodriguez 

  • April 13, 2024 2:48 PM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    We, as notary publics, play a crucial role in verifying the identities of individuals involved in various transactions. One key aspect of this responsibility is the reliance on valid identification documents as outlined in Section 117.05(5)(b)2. of the Florida Statutes.

    This statute specifies the types of identification that may be accepted by a notary public, including:

    1. A Florida identification card or driver license issued by the public agency authorized to issue driver licenses.
    2. A driver license or identification card issued by a public agency authorized to issue driver licenses in a state other than Florida or in a territory of the United States, or Canada or Mexico.

    In today's digital age, the question arises: Can a notary rely upon a digital driver license or identification card issued by the applicable public agency?

    To shed light on this matter, we turn to the Notary Section of the Executive Office of the Governor for clarification. According to their official stance, the reliance upon a digital ID for identification purposes only from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is permissible.

    This is particularly relevant in light of recent developments, such as the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles issuing digital Florida driver licenses. With the advancements in technology, individuals may now possess digital versions of their driver licenses, providing a convenient and accessible form of identification.

    For notaries public in Florida, this means that they can confidently accept digital driver licenses issued by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as valid identification when performing notarial acts. This acknowledgment of digital identification reflects the state's commitment to embracing innovation while upholding the integrity of notarial practices.

    In conclusion, the acceptance of digital driver licenses for identification purposes by notaries public aligns with the evolving landscape of identification methods. As technology continues to advance, so too must our understanding and adaptation of acceptable forms of identification in the realm of notarial acts.

    For more information on notarial practices and requirements in Florida, individuals are encouraged to consult the official guidelines provided by the Notary Section of the Executive Office of the Governor.

    By staying informed and adapting to changes in technology, notaries public can continue to fulfill their crucial role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of various transactions in the state of Florida.

    By: Yahaira Rodriguez

  • February 28, 2024 11:30 AM | Yahaira Rodriguez (Administrator)

    In today's fast-paced digital world, Remote Online Notarization (RON) platforms have become indispensable tools for notaries. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out in the notary field, the question often arises: How many RON platforms should I sign up for?

    The straightforward answer? As many as you can afford to, but at the very least, have two platforms within arm's reach. Why? Because in the realm of technology, unexpected technical glitches can happen, disrupting your workflow and potentially causing you to reschedule appointments. Having a backup plan readily available ensures you can seamlessly continue with your day even if one platform experiences downtime.

    Moreover, the sheer variety of RON platforms available underscores the importance of diversifying your options. Different platforms cater to specific needs and specialties within the notary landscape. For instance, some platforms are tailored for real estate transactions, while others excel in handling general notary work. Understanding your requirements and the preferences of your signers is key to selecting the most suitable platform.

    Consider the nature of your signings. Are your signers predominantly foreign nationals? If so, opting for a platform that accommodates biometric authentication can enhance security and streamline the process. Likewise, if your signings involve multiple participants, look for platforms capable of handling a higher number of signers, such as those supporting up to 10 individuals.

    Furthermore, certain signings may necessitate additional features, such as the presence of witnesses or real-time monitoring by title companies. Choosing a platform that caters to these specific requirements ensures a smoother and more efficient signing experience for all parties involved.

    Conducting thorough research before committing to a platform is paramount. While the convenience and efficiency of digital notarization are undeniable, the reliability and longevity of RON platforms can vary. As exemplified by the sudden closure of platforms like e-Notary Log, notaries must stay vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their operations against unforeseen disruptions.

    In conclusion, the number of RON platforms you should sign up for ultimately depends on your budget, workflow requirements, and the diversity of your clientele. By maintaining a strategic balance between accessibility, functionality, and reliability, you can navigate the evolving landscape of digital notarization with confidence and resilience.

    List of Florida Approved Platforms


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Office: (877) 395-5525

Mailing Address:
1372 S Narcoossee Road
#124, Saint Cloud, FL 34771

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